Record Your Company Greeting


You will need to know which System you have. Step 4 requires that you know if your system is the Panasonic KX-TVA System or the KX-NS700 System. You can find this information on the front of the equipment.

  1. Press VM key
  2. Press # 6 * 998
  3. Press 1234# (or your ADMIN password if different)
  4. Press 5 if you have the KX-TVA System or Press 4 if you have the KX-NS700 System
  5. Press 3
  6. Press: 1- For Main Company DAY Greeting and 2- For Main Company NIGHT Greeting ( if it exists )
  7. *Note: The Voice Mail System will play you the current greeting ( if it exists )
  8. Press 1
  9. Record your greeting and then press 1
  10. Press 2 to accept
  11. Confirm your greeting and press 2 to accept
  12. Press ** to exit
  13. Hang up the phone set